Statement from the MHSA Executive Director Robin J. Bozek on Head Start’s Impact and Accountability

Head Start programs have had a positive and transformative impact on millions of children and families since its inception in 1965. While accountability and oversight are essential for any federally funded initiative, the recent Wall Street Journal opinion presents an incomplete and misleading portrayal of Head Start, failing to recognize its success in breaking cycles of poverty, improving school readiness, and providing critical health and family support services. Isolated cases of mismanagement, as cited in the Government Accountability Office (GAO) report, do not define the program as a whole. Rather, they demonstrate the rigorous oversight processes already in place to address concerns and ensure that Head Start continues to provide high-quality, comprehensive services to our most vulnerable children.

Head Start has transformed the lives of millions of children and families for their own and society’s benefit. The opinion expressed in the WSJ attempts to mislead the public by referencing only those elements of the GAO report highlighting the rare instances of mismanagement of only 33 out of 1,600 grants between 2017-2018 and 2022-2023. Twenty-six of those 33 were due to relinquishments, while seven were due to grant revocation by OHS, demonstrating that the vast majority of Head Start programs operate effectively. Furthermore, the cited GAO report only applies to oversight of interim management of Head Start grants. The report exclusively provided a series of recommendations to improve oversight of the rare instances when interim management is required. 

For six decades, Head Start’s commitment to early childhood education, health, and family engagement has been unmatched. It’s positive outcomes and evidence-based approaches are well-documented. National research consistently shows Head Start alumni achieve higher graduation rates, better health outcomes, and long-term economic stability. The suggestion that funding should be shifted to state control threatens the program’s ability to maintain broadened access and high-quality standards nationwide. Instead of abandoning a proven model, we should focus on strengthening the systems that ensure Head Start’s continued success. We urge policymakers, stakeholders, and communities to stand with us in recognizing the program’s immense value and advocating for its continued support and improvement.