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MHSA Educational Opportunities
MHSA is a unified voice providing advocacy and leadership linking the Head Start community of parents, programs, and partners. In support of this mission, MHSA offers a variety of educational opportunities to members throughout the program year.
To see a complete listing of MHSA events click here.
MHSA Assemblies:
MHSA convenes 3 assemblies per program year (fall/winter/spring) that offer Head Start parents, directors, and staff the opportunity to come together to learn from state and national experts about the current state of Head Start via keynote speakers, workshops, and more.
MHSA Assembly Meetings also take place during these events, which is the decision-making body of MHSA. Members may send a delegation to assembly meetings consisting of one director, one staff person, and two parents.
MHSA Learning Communities:
MHSA Learning Communities offer Head Start staff the opportunity to participate in professional learning, idea sharing, gain strategies to resolve issues, and develop a common practice or approach in the following content areas:
Human Resources
Mental Health & Disabilities
Site Operations Managers & Education Coordinators
Infant & Toddler
Home Visitors
MHSA Learning Communities meet 3 times throughout the program year (fall/winter/spring) and content for each learning community is driven by members via a Steering Committee that convenes each summer to review Learning Community feedback survey data, prioritize needs, and assist in content planning.
Questions? Contact: Brandy Carr-West, MHSA Professional Development Conference & Training Manager at